Lunar Cycle Newsletter

Jupiter in Taurus – May 1st 2024 until May 14th 2025


The solar system is a living, intelligent organism.

We are living in the solar system, but “it” is also alive within us.

That might sound like an odd statement to some people, but a star and several floating objects organized themselves into a life supporting “matrix” over several billion years. When life emerged, planetary motion was hard wired into the memory (DNA) of each living creature.

Vedic philosophy tells us that there’s a continuity between external and internal. It appears as though there’s a definitive boundary between what’s external and internal, but this boundary is only “real” through the agency of sense perception. In reality, the solar system isn’t just happening “out there” – it doesn’t stop at the end of your nose – it’s also going on “in here”. If we are living and intelligent, by definition we are part of a living and intelligent environment. As above, so below.

Jyotish is a Vedic science that studies the correspondence between planetary motion in the solar system and changed behavior in the human system. Each planet corresponds to a specific part of consciousness, and we can evaluate the way that our consciousness is operating at any given time by understanding the relationship between each planet and the background stars.

What is Jupiter in Vedic Astrology?

According to Vedic Astrology, Jupiter corresponds to the part of ourselves that we first experience as “belief” when our caregivers tell us about the world. Jupiter shows our capacity to feel a sense of purpose, direction, and meaning as we’re interacting with our environment. Our senses are always gathering information, but Jupiter allows us to form the “bigger picture” of what’s going on, and why. It evolves “I believe” into “I know”, and hope into trust.

If you’re familiar with Ayurveda, it measures the health of anything using a spectrum that ranges from “depletion” to “excess”. When Jupiter is in a state of depletion, it can be difficult to access the bigger picture or find meaning in life. This often happens after a tragic event, where a few minutes of difficulty becomes a day, a week, or years of mental and emotional turmoil. A healthy Jupiter allows us to put things into perspective without missing the forest for the trees. When Jupiter is in a state of excess, however, it can be difficult to stop looking for meaning in every symbol that flashes across the screen of consciousness. Mastery isn’t just knowing HOW to use something, it’s knowing WHEN to use it (or not).

It’s helpful to see the planets as “tools”, and our karma with each planet shows whether we can pick up the tool or put it down at the appropriate time. In a state of depletion, we’re reluctant to pick up the tool even when it’s urgently calling for our participation. An example would be when you know that a situation will keep getting worse until you have a difficult conversation, but you ignore it or distract yourself because you’re afraid of how the conversation will turn out. In a state of excess, that planetary energy isn’t just something we use, it gets confused with who we are as a person. We can get STUCK, karmically speaking, when our identity gets entangled with a certain behavior. In some ways it’s easier to stimulate a depleted Jupiter than to coax it down from a state of excess.

Keywords for Jupiter: Wisdom, belief, philosophy, religion, law, big picture, meaning, expansion, optimism, greed, bypassing – Jupiter people: role models, teachers, students.

What it means when a planet changes signs:

Each of the classical, “starry” planets of Vedic Astrology move through the zodiac at a different rate of speed. The longer a planet spends in one sign, the more significant it becomes when it moves from one sign into another (not unlike when a person spends a long time in one location and has to relocate).

For reference, the Sun spends one month in each sign, making a complete circuit through all twelve zodiac signs in one year, but Jupiter spends an entire year in each sign.

Side note: This year, Jupiter’s movement becomes especially important because it’s also the “ruler” of Rahu in Pisces. Rahu is a shapeshifting energy that primarily takes on the qualities of its ruling planet. So whatever happens to Jupiter has an affect Rahu as well (in an amplified way).

As planets move through the zodiac, different qualities of the planet respond to its change of background environment. For example, Aries is a sign of fast and decisive action, where we want to do what we want to do, based on a spontaneous feeling of “instinct”. For the past 12 months, Jupiter’s time in Aries has been asking us to pick a direction very quickly, and take action on that spasm of inspiration with as little hesitation as possible. It’s been a time to “trust our gut”, but in the process we make some mistakes and find that our gut can sometimes be full of sh*t 💩. We have to do the inner work before we can tell the difference between instincts and “in stinks” 🤧 (this has been modified by Saturn’s “drishti” from Aquarius, but for the sake of this discussion we’ll stick to the basics).

Taurus comes after Aries to slow things down, be less independent, have more consideration for other people, and establish stable patterns. This is an environment that originates from the planet Venus, which corresponds to the part of ourselves that’s trying to harmonize our needs with other people’s needs. Taurus is a “feminine” environment, oriented towards receptivity and acceptance, so Jupiter in Taurus tends to be more inspired by feminine energy, especially the kind that brings people together. For me, I think of “grandma”, who remembers every birthday and anniversary, sending you a message of love and support even when you forget to reach out and haven’t gone to visit lately. When that grandma’s gone, the family falls to pieces, so if you have one that’s still alive, enjoy it while you still have the opportunity 😢.

Venus and Jupiter are both teachers in Vedic mythology, but whereas Jupiter is the teacher of principles and morals (devas), Venus is the teacher of pleasure and desires (asuras). This placement can feel like a conflict between what’s “right” and what we want from other people (or perhaps what other people want from us). It can be more difficult to access our moral compass when Jupiter goes through Taurus, and the path to success is finding the right balance between consistency and fear of change.

What does that mean for ME (all 12 Signs):

To evaluate a planetary transit in Vedic Astrology, we look at the planet primarily as a “house ruler,” meaning that each planet is the source energy for two signs (except the Sun & Moon, who each rule one sign). The signs also become astrology “houses” when we know your rising sign or Ascendant. Houses show how energy and thought become action and physical manifestation. Planets as house rulers are the engine that drives our ability to make “predictions” in Vedic Astrology. Please keep in mind that I’m describing the transit for each ascendant in general, but the placement of Jupiter in your individual birth chart, plus your current karmic timing (dasa period), will modify these general statements.

Jupiter “rules” Sagittarius & Pisces for all 12 signs, but if you’re an Aries ascendant, it becomes the “house ruler” of the 9th and 12th houses, making Jupiter a planet that gives a deep joy of learning, but can also lead to strong opinions based on nothing but theories and imagination. Jupiter moves into the 2nd house. We look at the 2nd house to evaluate a person’s self-worth, family values, upbringing, daily habits, and the capacity to increase personal resources. This placement is asking you to put your teachings into practice more consistently, as a teacher yourself or possibly becoming a parent, where you need to show up for others on a daily basis. See if you can find joy in the rituals and traditions that can sometimes feel like you’re trapped in repetition.

For a Taurus ascendant, Jupiter is the “house ruler” of the 8th and 11th houses, making Jupiter a difficult energy that can give an over-sentimental idealism when it comes to culture, beliefs, and social causes. Jupiter moves into the 1st house, the ascendant. We look at the 1st house to evaluate the physical body, its health, appearance (as well as personality traits), but at its essence this house represents our “self” identity & conscious awareness. This placement is asking for your willingness to investigate any fear of change and feelings of scarcity. If you have a “tribe” or group of people that you feel strongly connected to, as a matter of identity, there will be changes coming. Whatever unfolds, trust that it’s happening to help you integrate with the impermanence of life. The bad news for you is that nothing lasts forever, but the good news is that grief and sadness are temporary as well, if you can just allow yourself to let go.

For a Gemini ascendant, Jupiter is the “house ruler” of the 7th and 10th houses, making Jupiter a powerful planet that governs both career and relationships (two of the most focused on areas of our life), often combining these two things in some way. Jupiter moves into the 12th house. We look at the 12th house to evaluate a person’s subconscious patterns, relationship to sleep & dreams, solitude or isolation, and the capacity to detach from this world as an active participant. This placement can show responsibilities and relationships being released, making room for something new. Don’t get fixated on whatever needs to fall away; it isn’t always a relationship or the career itself, but rather a certain pattern or your specific role in it. This is a time for soft fingers. Don’t leave claw marks on whatever pulls away from your grasp.

For a Cancer ascendant, Jupiter is the “house ruler” of the 6th and 9th houses, making Jupiter a planet of struggle and hard work, but also allows profound lessons to be learned from life’s difficult situations. Jupiter moves into the 11th house. We look at the 11th house to evaluate a person’s highest ambitions, relationship with large groups of people (extended family or community), social skills, and the capacity to use personal power in service to a collective purpose. This placement is showing that peers will be helping (forcing) you to evolve beyond your comfort zone, which can be difficult in the short term but rewarding beyond measure over time. Be willing to show up for a “cause” and you will feel inspiration growing within you and becoming an inspiration for others around you as well.

For a Leo ascendant, Jupiter is the “house ruler” of the 5th and 8th houses, making Jupiter a planet of passion and creativity, but can also leave a trail of unfinished business or burnt bridges behind as the winds of change take you in a new direction. Jupiter moves into the 10th house. We look at the 10th house to evaluate a person’s career and public responsibilities, relationship with the father or authority figures, status, reputation, and the capacity to step up, handle pressure, and make a contribution in the world. This placement can bring tremendous joy one day and tragedy the next, helping (forcing) you to become present in the moment and to appreciate what you have while you have it. Don’t make promises that you can’t keep, and hold on to the people that you love with the tenderness of the last leaf on an autumn tree.

For a Virgo ascendant, Jupiter is the “house ruler” of the 4th and 7th houses, making Jupiter a planet that’s looking for happiness with other people, but often seeking too much meaning through domestic life with a significant other, setting unrealistic expectations in partnerships and becoming intolerant of normal human behavior and mistakes. Jupiter moves into the 9th house. We look at the 9th house to evaluate a person’s ideals and philosophies, relationship with teachers and role models, trust, belief, and the capacity to see how the details of life fit into the bigger picture. This is a house that naturally aligns with the qualities of Jupiter, allowing these things to manifest with greater ease than its previous transit of the 8th house. The 9th house placement is called a “Raja Yoga” for the areas of life that Jupiter governs, so keep an eye out for opportunities to take your home & relationship to the next level.

For a Libra ascendant, Jupiter is the “house ruler” of the 3rd and 6th houses, making Jupiter a difficult planet that often leads to “contrary” beliefs that aren’t always held with deep conviction but usually delivered in a challenging way. Jupiter moves into the 8th house. We look at the 8th house to evaluate a person’s insecurities, relationship with mortality, sudden changes, investigations and the capacity to face fears and control emotions. This placement is arguably the most difficult for any ascendant, but if you focus on what you’re “pro”, instead of being contrary, it should mitigate some of the problems. The 8th house causes the most upheaval for us as a consequence of dishonesty and neglect, so make sure that you’re showing up where you’re needed, when you’re needed, and that your words match your actions.

For a Scorpio ascendant, Jupiter is the “house ruler” of the 2nd and 5th houses, making Jupiter a planet of luck and creativity, but can also show a habit of getting “stuck” on certain issues, especially childhood and parenting. Jupiter moves into the 7th house. We look at the 7th house to evaluate a person’s desires with other individuals, romantic or business partnerships, mutual agreements and the capacity for compromise. The 7th house placement is called a “Raja Yoga” for the areas of life that Jupiter governs, so keep an eye out for some opportunities through partnership, with possibly a new romantic interest (or renewed joy/passion in your existing relationship). I’m a Scorpio ascendant and my oldest child is graduating high school, so for me this placement is showing a need to transition from the parent-child dynamic to a more peer-to-peer relationship. Like Virgo, this placement will be a relief after Jupiter’s difficult transit through the 6th house.

For a Sagittarius ascendant, Jupiter is the “house ruler” of the 1st and 4th houses, making Jupiter a planet that drives how you feel and what you do in general, showing how you’re guided by feelings and deeply identified with whatever you’re feeling in each moment. Jupiter moves into the 6th house. We look at the 6th house to evaluate a person’s problem solving ability, conflicts and enemies, health issues, debt, and the capacity to endure short term pain for long term gain. This placement is asking you to tackle the difficult things while they’re still easy. The sooner that we deal with our problems, the sooner we can grow and move on from them. Jupiter’s extra important for you because it’s your “ruling planet”, and during this transit it’s an ideal time to make positive changes in your lifestyle to support health and healing. Remember that incremental change is more sustainable and usually more enjoyable. Baby steps to a new you.

For a Capricorn ascendant, Jupiter is the “house ruler” of the 3rd and 12th houses, making Jupiter a planet of both strength and weakness, because the more that you try to force something into existence, the more it seems to slip away or come at great expense. Jupiter moves into the 5th house. We look at the 5th house to evaluate a person’s creative intelligence, relationship with children, self-expression in general, and the capacity to devote themselves to something with 100% investment. This placement is asking for you to evolve beyond casual interests and devote yourself to a proper education. If you’ve been listening to podcasts, reading email newsletters like this one, or just dabbling on your own, it’s time to pick a teacher and become a proper student. You have the capacity to apply your teachings in a way that few others can, and now’s the time to realize that potential.

For an Aquarius ascendant, Jupiter is the “house ruler” of the 2nd and 11th houses, making Jupiter an idealistic planet that dreams of a utopic world like in John Lennon’s song, “Imagine”. Jupiter’s idealism creates attachment to hypotheticals and disappointment with reality. Jupiter moves into the 4th house. We look at the 4th house to evaluate a person’s emotional tendencies, relationship with the mother, domestic life, and the capacity for acceptance or receptivity. This placement is asking for more consistency with your domestic duties and to prioritize your mental and emotional resiliency. Doing breathwork everyday makes it more accessible when things go sideways. By the end of this transit, I’d like to see you drop straight into your breath when something upsets you or tragedy strikes.

For a Pisces ascendant, Jupiter is the “house ruler” of the 1st and 10th houses, making Jupiter a planet of reputation and identifying with worldly perception (ex: the “fun aunt” or the “cat lady”). Jupiter moves into the 3rd house. We look at the 3rd house to evaluate a person’s likes and dislikes, relationship with friends and siblings, competitive nature, and the capacity to test or question what they’ve been told to be true. Jupiter’s extra important for you because it’s your “ruling planet”, and during this transit you’ll be required to be more experimental and deliberate with your explanations of what you’re doing, and why. With Rahu going through your ascendant, you’re more likely to dismiss the call to build bridges as you take steps forward in your spiritual journey. A master teacher is one who can speak in whatever language that their students can understand. Can your bring your truth all the way down to kindergarten and up to a PhD? That’s what Jupiter is calling you to work on. Good luck!

Supporting theories with historical data:

Since Jupiter moves into Taurus every 12 years or so, I think it’s an important practice to look back at the previous transits to evaluate what was happening in the world at that time. Does the evidence support my theory? Astrology’s much more complicated when it comes to global events, but the “theme” or the underlying principles should be in alignment with my astrological evaluation of Jupiter in Taurus. A global urge to slow things down, a stronger focus on security and material resources like food, money, family, art, beauty, the “good ‘ol days”, comfort, and finding harmony with others over a meal.

Other times that Jupiter has entered Taurus before now: May 2012, June 2000, June 1988, July 1976, and March 1965. If you were alive during any of those times, activate your memory and ponder the lessons that you learned around that time.

Significant events from my research:

20 Mar ‘65 – Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 begins
23 Mar ‘65 – Gemini 3 launches first 2-person crew into orbit
25 Mar ‘65 – MLK completes 4-day march from Selma
14 Jul ‘65 – Mariner 4 returns first images from Mars
30 Jul ‘65 – President LBJ signs Social Security Act into law
06 Aug ‘65 – President LBJ signs Voting Rights Act into law
10 Jan ‘66 – Indo-Pakistani peace negotiations end successfully
11 Jan ‘66 – Sudden death of Indian Prime Minister
03 Feb ‘66 – Soviet Luna 9 unmanned Moon landing

20 Jul ‘76 – Viking 1 successfully lands on Mars
28 Jul ‘76 – Tangshan earthquake in China kills 243k
26 Aug ‘76 – First known outbreak of Ebola virus occurs in Zaire
09 Sep ‘76 – PRC leader Mao Zedong dies
28 Sep ‘76 – Currency crisis in the UK (IMF bailout)
26 Nov ‘76 – Warsaw Pact is established
18 Jan ‘77 – Egyptian bread riots after government cuts subsidies
09 Mar ‘77 – Hanafi Siege takes place in Washington DC
23 May ‘77 – Scientists use gene splicing to make insulin in a lab
15 Jun ‘77 – Spain has its first democratic elections in 41 years

01 Jul ‘88 – Soviet Union ends Marxist-Leninist economic policies
11 Aug ‘88 – Al-Qaeda is founded
20 Aug ‘88 – Ceasefire effectively ends Iran-Iraq War
11 Sep ‘88 – Singing Revolution in Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic
15 Nov ‘88 – Independent State of Palestine is proclaimed
16 Nov ‘88 – Pakistan has its first democratic election in 10+ years
07 Jan ‘89 – Emperor of Japan dies
02 Feb ‘89 – Soviet troops leave Afghanistan after 9 year occupation
16 Mar ‘89 – Soviet Union approves agricultural reforms
17 May ‘89 – Tiananmen Square protests lead to martial law in China

11 Jul ‘00 – Camp David Summit between Israel & Palestine
07 Sep ‘00 – Fuel crisis protests in the UK
28 Sep ‘00 – Ariel Sharon visits the Temple Mount, sparks uprising
02 Nov ‘00 – First resident crew at International Space Station
07 Nov ‘00 – Controversial recount in Florida during US Election
21 Jan ‘01 – Taba Summit between Israel & Palestine in Egypt
23 Jan ‘01 – Self-immolation incident in Tiananmen Square in China
12 Feb ‘01 – First draft of human genome sequence published
19 Feb ‘01 – Foot-and-mouth outbreak in UK (6.5M animals killed)
01 Apr ‘01 – Slobodan Milosevic surrender to police for war crimes
17 Apr ‘01 – Israel occupies section of Gaza / withdraw same day
18 May ‘01 – Hamas suicide bombing in Israel / first airstrikes since 1967

20 Jul ‘12 – Colorado movie theater shooting
30 Jul ‘12 – India blackout is the worst in world history
06 Aug ‘12 – Curiosity rover successfully lands on Mars
11 Sep ‘12 – Several terror attacks on US diplomatic missions worldwide
22 Oct ‘12 – Hurricane Sandy
14 Nov ‘12 – Israel launches Operation Pillar of Defense in Gaza
29 Nov ‘12 – UN grants Palestine non-member observer status
14 Dec ‘12 – Sandy Hook Elementary School mass-shooting
15 Feb ‘13 – Most powerful meteor strike in over a century in Russia
28 Feb ‘13 – Benedict XVI resigns – first time since Gregory XII in 1415
15 Apr ‘13 – Boston Marathon bombing
30 Apr ‘13 – Beatrix, Queen of Netherlands, abdicates
15 May ‘13 – First production of human embryonic stem cells by cloning

When Jupiter was going through Taurus in 1988, Benzair Bhutto became the first female Prime Minister elected in a Muslim-majority country. Can you believe that it’s 2024 and we’ve still never had a female president in the USA??!! Wouldn’t it be crazy if something like Jupiter in Taurus derailed the imminent re-tread of the 2020 election between two old white men clinging to power? Rescue us, oh grandmother Taurus!!

You may have also noticed that some of the previous transits of Jupiter in Taurus were big for the state of Palestine and steps towards (and away from) peace with Israel. It’s easy to loose hope after decades of conflict and seemingly endless “grudges” that get inflamed by every mistake, but if we can call upon the higher potential of Jupiter in Taurus, we can find common ground and resolve any conflict. Because Jupiter is the planet of hope and Taurus is the sign of Peace, there’s reason to hope for peace.

Thanks for reading! I hope this was helpful.

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